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Sharing Data Between C# and Labview



I am trying to pass strings both to and from a Labview and C# program. Both programs operate in loops and will read the information once per iteration. Currently I am using text files but that is rather slow and not efficient. Are there any other options? I have read that using a TCP/IP interface to communicate is the best way but I am having trouble figuring out exactly what to do since I am inexperienced in this type of programming. Can anyone offer some help or an example of a .vi sharing information with a c# program.




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There are plenty of TCP/IP examples that ship with LabVIEW. The "Simple Data Client" and "Simple Data Server" examples are a good place to start, they're about as simple as can be. There must be similar examples for C#. You'll need to decide which program will be the "server" and which will be the "client." If both applications are on the same computer, there's almost zero risk of packet loss so you might want to consider UDP instead since it's slightly easier.

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