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Shifted exported image from waveform control


  I have two exported images from the same Waveform control, with the first one normal and the second one shifted to top left corner (attachment).

  When I have maximized the labview front panel, it gives me a normal capture; when I have minimized the front panel, it gives me a shifted one. Such behaviour can be found with "Export image" and with "Get Image" from the invoke node of the Waveform control. There is the same problem of shifted image if I (i) max. the panel but (ii) running it in a remote session with that session disconnected (therefore no screen update to me, but the remote computer is still running)


  My guess is it is not about the code (except for I used a wrong command in such situation?), but it is about updating the front panel screen... 


  My question is can labview give me normal capture no matter I max. or min. the panel with or without the remote computer connected? 


  I cannot get away with running the program in that remote computer, but I cannot keep the remote screen ON for a long time while the program needs to run for a long time. 

  I am using LV8.6 on a Windows server 2003.


  Please let me know if I have to elaborate more.




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Message 1 of 6

Hi Raymond,


Could you attach a few screenshots of your code where you are exporting your images?


Thank you!

Stephanie S.
Application Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Hi Stephanie,

  Thanks for your reply. I hope my attachment here will help. This is run inside a For loop. 


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Hi Raymond,


Thank you for the screenshot! Have you tried maximizing your window programmatically? Here is an example showing how to do this:



Stephanie S.
Application Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Hi Stephanie,

  I tried and my plots are complete if I put it inside the loop! 

  Can this be explained? Is such problem only in an older version like LV8.6 that I am using?


  I have another question that's in mind for a long long time, but is not about waveform capture and I hope to share with you to see if you have any idea.

  I have compiled some different LV project into exe and run them. I opened the Windows' Task Manager, looking at their Memory consumption.

  They increase as time goes by, not rapidly, but then I minimized all exe, no change of trend of memory use, and then I maximize it, the memory use drops back nearly to what it was initially. This can be reproduced. I am not concerning about the trend of memory use being increasing, but the action of maximizing a minimized window can "release" memory.

  I am asking this question here because they are both related to "maximizing the window", would you be having any idea of that?


Thank you so much!



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Message 5 of 6

Hi Raymond,


I am gald to hear that this fixed the issue that you were seeing. I am not certain what would be causing this issue, but it seems as though LabVIEW is getting the image as it expects it to be shown on the front panel. 


What exactly are you doing in your VI? Just to clarify, when you run your program with the VI maximized the memory spikes, then when you minimize it everything stays the same, and then when you maximize again your memory usage goes down?


Also, here is an article discussiong some of the LabVIEW 8.6 known issues that might be helpful to look at:



Stephanie S.
Application Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6