Hey folks,
I'm trying to implement a simple serial console function on a PXIe-8862 RT controller running NI Linux that talks to a Silicon labs CP2102x device hooked up via USB cable. My VI, which works fine on a Windows PC, uses simple VISA serial config, VISA read to grab data at the port in a while loop, and a latched button which sends a string via VISA write. On the controller I can see the virtual COM port in NI MAX and receive data fine, but if I send an ASCII string like “help” I experience a ~10 second delay and the echoed back input looks like “hlp lp help help hp elp” or similar corruption/repetition of the input. I’m not sure if it’s a driver issue or what, but I could use some input on what might be going on here. The LabVIEW version is 2023 Q3.