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Solar Tracking system

How can i develope Solar Tracking system with the help of LAB VIEW 7.1.

Message 1 of 4

Are you talking about this?


If yes, you need a motion system. Do you have a motion controller device? What is the manufacturer of this device? How does the API look like (if there is one for LV at all....)?

Do you have a transducer able to give you the directions for the motion system?




PS: You should consider to use an up-to-date version of LV for support reasons.

CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
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Message 2 of 4

Please clearly define your Hardware interface with LABVIEW that you will use for SOLAR TRACKING.


Clearly define INPUT & OUPUT before posting any vague things.

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Message 3 of 4

Before programming, you have to choose Hardwares sush as DAQ board, Motion, Vision...etc.

Actually LabVIEW can control all hardwares with communication, using dll File or LabVIEW driver.

Some comany which sell hardwares, offer LabVIEW driver (hardware control functions).

If you use PLC, it can be controled by communication or dirver

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Message 4 of 4