01-15-2010 12:06 PM
I have an application where I am using a load cell to measure the weight of a fluid in a container. I found some code that works very well for measuring the weight. http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/epd/p/id/5902
My application also involves using a solenoid that opens a valve when a button is pressed and fluid flows out of the container. I need the solenoid to close when a certain amount of weight has left the container. I am not sure how to do this. I am using the compact daq chassis 9172 and a 9237 module and a 9474 module.
01-18-2010 02:56 PM
Howdy lyon,
How is your solenoid controlled? Does it take a TTL signal where a voltage 'high' (+5V) closes the solenoid and a voltage low (0V) opens the solenoid?
01-19-2010 08:40 AM
My solenoid is controlled by switching a solid state relay on an off with a 24 VDC signal. The solenoid is also powered by a 24 VDC signal. Voltage high opens the solenoid and voltage low closes the solenoid.
01-20-2010 09:17 AM
Howdy lyon,
In software, you can control a 24Vdc output on the 9474 through a DAQmx digital output task in software. Check the LabVIEW/CVI example finder under hardware I/O » DAQmx for examples on single channel digital output tasks. As to the actual hardware connections, consult the 9472/9474 user manual. It provides figures and explanations.