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Some or all of the samples requested have not yet been acquired?

@John_Amery wrote:

The problem still shows up I "setup the task once, acquire data in a loop, and close the task once it's done". I did the exactly the same as it described. 


Does it matter when I keep the connection between the DAQ and PC on all the time? I saw the green light blink all the time. OR should I clear everything once I finish one data acqusition?

Can you show the code you're now using?


I don't understand your second sentence.  Do you mean you're physically unplugging the DAQ system from the computer?  You should stop and clear the task before you unplug the DAQ unit, and create a new task when you plug it back in.  How much data is "one data acquisition"?  There's no need to clear the task while your code is still running unless you're starting some other new, conflicting task.

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