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Still somewhat confused over Ram usage..

I've been looking through old posts and not finding an answer, but forgive me if I missed it somewhere.  I have a system that, when finished, will control multiple machines via webserver (Each machine has its own unique VI).  I know that 8.6.1 is limited to 4GB of Ram, but is that in total, or per VI instance?  I have a budget for buying computers, and I have to decide between one very powerful machine using intels new cpu and 16GB ram, or several cheaper boxes with PhenomX4's and 4GB ram.  One machine would stop a lot of headaches for me, but if there is some kind of hard 4GB limit maybe the other way will be more efficient.  Thanks for any help!

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Message 1 of 5

Do you have LabVIEW 64bit on 64bit Windows?


If your OS is 32 bit, the overall total is 2-3GB.


See also this link for details.



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Message 2 of 5

Sorry I didn't make it clear, I'm using 8.6.1.  I don't think there is a 64bit version, but it is on 64bit windows.  I was curious if each VI I had running would be able to access a total of 4Gb, or if the sum total of all VI's would share 4Gb.  From your reply it sounds like the sum total will be limited to 4, correct?

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Message 3 of 5

On 32 bit OS or LV you'll be limited to ~3Gb total, yes. It might even be lower depending on what other services and systems you're running.


What type of application needs 16 GB?



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Qestit Systems
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Message 4 of 5


@MTdev wrote:

Sorry I didn't make it clear, I'm using 8.6.1.  I don't think there is a 64bit version,

There is not. LabVIEW 2009 was the first version to have a 64-bit version. This means you will be limited in the amount of memory you can acess. Thus, if you need to be able to access that much memory then you will need to upgrade your version of LabVIEW. Or, you can break up your memory access in chunks, so that one single chunk stays within the bounds of what you can create with the 32-bit version. There is a chapter in the LabVIEW Help discussing how to deal with large data sets which you should read.


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Message 5 of 5