RL wrote:
> Perhaps the Database Connectivity module is more appropriate to
> capturing 4 signals at 200k/sec than DSC. In addition there is a
> Time-Stamp and a descriptive string which explains the experimental
> setup.
> Can anyone comment about the Database Connectivity module?
Storing that much data is simply out of question other than as binary
data directly into a file, or you would need some highly specialized
database system with hardware and software characteristics which only a
military project could possibly come up with enough funds for.
If you are thinking about storing that as a BLOB (binary large object)
you could VERY VERY maybe get there, but in general databases are not
meant to deal with su
ch large data and are not optimized at all for
that. Your database would bulge out of its seams very fast.
The DSC Toolkit won't be able to do that either as its historical
logging database is simply not meant for that either. Unless you are
going for binary data files directly written from your application, your
options are probably quite exhausted.
Rolf Kalbermatter