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Straing gauges - calibration during measurements

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In the beginning i'm sorry for my english, i'm from Poland and i'm doing what i can 🙂


I have t prepare simple application measuring strain on cylindrical tube. Task in MAX was created and currently i have a problem during calibration. Shunt calibration performed.


The main idea of my program:

After clicking "run" arrow on the left top i'm gonna be forwarded to the tab named "Calibration"(default tab)(it also might be cluster instead tab, it doesn't matter). Then I load tested sample with, for ex. 1000N and the program calculate the coefficient between force (1000N) and actual value from NI-9237 (configured as analog input - force bridge in MAX). Then should i go to the next tab, described as "Measurement" when I perform simple measurement with strain vs.time graph.


I established that the dependance is linear, so i have to use y=ax+b formula. Assuming "b" equal 0 i have to find "a" - how can i calculate it and how can I keep it to use in the next tab, "measurement"? I have no idea...


I did not attach example of my program, because there is nothing difficult yet - DAQ assistant and waveform graph...



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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author LVPoland

DAQmx does provide a means to create "Scales" as well as "Tasks" A linear Scale is easy to assign to a channel in a task.


I'm in the middle of a LabVIEW upgrade today so, kudos to anyone that posts the screenshots I cannot get right now.

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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Message 2 of 3

Thank you so much Jeff, screenshots unnecessary - it works done, as I want!

Greetings 🙂

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Message 3 of 3