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Sub Vi not displaying output

Is this for a simulator or for actual hardware? If it's for actual hardware are you trying to do software-based timing. If so, be aware that sofware-based timing will eventually fail since you cannot guarantee the OS isn't going to take out the rug from under you when it goes off and decides to check for/perform updates, or your anti-virus decides to update or perform a regularly scheduled scan, or some other application starts up, or....



If you provided a better explanation of what you are trying to accomplish then the forum will be of much more use to you.

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Message 11 of 12

Hi j00z,


Florian.Ludwig is correct.  You are not generating an array of values, and therefore not really generating a wave.


Your current VI only has a sense of "time" based on real time that the user observes watching the front panel.  However, this is not much use when doing any kind of data processing.  In this case, we need multiple samples to represent the changing value of the signal in time.  Thus we need an array of values.


I would highly recommend that you use the Pulse found on the Signal Processing > Signal Generation pallete.  This will do exactly what it appears you are looking for.


Have a great day,


Chris V

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 12 of 12