03-28-2013 10:24 AM
Hi people ,
I want to a subvi as a pop-up window and once the task is done , i wanna close it immediately leaving the values to the main.VI
Can you help me?
03-28-2013 10:55 AM
Is this the same as your problem found here:http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/dialog-box/m-p/2366450#M737025?
Show us what you have tried and where you are stuck.
03-28-2013 10:56 AM
You create a sub-vi with the "look" that you want for your dialog box, and any operator entries passed to output terminals. In the sub-vi you will probably need to have a while loop, with a way to exit, such as a "Yes" or "Continue" button. In the sub-vi's properties (right click on the sub-vi's icon) you can customize the appearance, removing the toolbar, etc., and in the execution have it set to run when opened.
03-28-2013 11:03 AM
Hi Cross ,
Ya you are right . Nearly same but i thought it would look better if we have a pop-up menu till the user it tested the element.
so I made it in a Sub.VI.
I have called it from the Main.VI but the problem is i couldn able close it after it worl is done .
How to close the dialog box after the work is done and return to main.Vi
03-28-2013 11:15 AM
Can you post the VI?
03-28-2013 11:16 AM
Talking about the Main.VI????
Why dat is so important? (I really dono )
03-28-2013 11:20 AM
Your dialog VI. I want to poke around your VI to see if I can figure out where you're stuck.
03-28-2013 11:23 AM
'This is my dialog VI. pls correct me if i didn any mistakes .
I am in a hurry doing to finish my thesis next week.
03-28-2013 11:35 AM
Do NOT use the Stop function. That is like hitting the abort button. You need to stop your loops naturally (using the termination terminal). I would also change your sequence stucture into a state machine. That way you can skip steps if needed.
And does it make sense for a dialog to call more dialog boxes? That's one GUI I would not want to use.
03-28-2013 11:45 AM
Thanks Cross,
What do you mean by Termination terminal ? I didn get it . What will be the problem if we use nested dialog boxes ?