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SubVI front panel works as code but not when compiled

The main window does not have to be responsive.  Ideally I will set the subVI panel to modal when it's going to be released.  Right now, I would expect whichever window I select to have focus and be in the front.


Right now, the subVI panel opens behind the main panel and is locked.  I don't believe it's even running when called.



0 Kudos
Message 11 of 14

Right now, the subVI panel opens behind the main panel and is locked.  I don't believe it's even running when called.


Are you checking the error in the subVI?


Are you using relative path in the subVI?



George Zou
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 14

Just want to add some images of properties:


Main VI

Main VI - Execute PropertiesMain VI - Execute Properties



SubVI - Execute PropertiesSubVI - Execute Properties

Main VI

Main VI - Cust Win AppearMain VI - Cust Win Appear



SubVI - Cust Win AppearSubVI - Cust Win Appear

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 14

This has been solved.  I started tweaking the build specification and by adding some folders to the ALWAYS INCLUDE area, the build would break - with the complaint of a broken VI.  After I removed the broken VIs and removed those folders from ALWAYS INCLUDE, the build completed and ran as expected.


If this was the root cause, it surprises me that the build completed and main VI ran at all.


Anyway, thanks for the folks who put time into helping me out.

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 14