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Swapping valves when requested

Title: Swapping valves when requested


This program is supposed to turn the valves to position 2 ("GO2" in the case structure) then trigger the pump to push all the liquid in, then after all the liquid is finished being pumped, the valves need to switch to position 3, then the closing subvi gets triggered and it waits for user input before closing the whole thing.


I am having a lot of trouble getting the valve to turn to position 3 at the end before triggering the closing vi. I suspect its something in the order the loops are going, but I cannot figure out what it is. The program previously turned the valves to 2 and started the pump simultaneously, but that lead to liquid getting to the wrong destination, so I changed it to only start pumping after the program confirms the valves actually reach the requested spot. And even then the ending switch wouldn't occur consistently, but at least it WOULD happen. But now the switch to position 3 simply refuses to occur and I have no idea why. I've tried using channels, variables, switching the trigger command for position 3 between all the major loops and nothing seems to work.


The push water program is what I currently have. Push saline is one of the older iterations with the trigger command occurring both during the primary loop before it's supposed to close AND during the final loop when the closing subvi gets requested.

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