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Take put put from potentiometer and run DC motor



i m using 6024E series data aquisition card  using labview 7.... i have succesfully taken output from COpal T22 potentiometer and display it on graph....


I have also run DC motor by taking input from my data card to driver.......


Now when m trying to take input from potentiometer in terms of voltage and feed into driver using  1 Input DAQ Assistant and 1 output DAQ assistanta..... but ven i run this program it gives error no. 200251 that No DMA channels are availabe .... chane the method of transer plz... help...

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Message 1 of 2
The 6024E does not have DMA capabilities. So basically you cannot read and write at the same time. I think that you are going to have to read one channel then right to the other to get this to work. Depending on how fast you need this sequence to go it should work. If you need very precise timing then you will need to get a card that has DMA capabilities.

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