03-29-2010 04:26 PM
So I am about to dive into making a Telnet program to interface with a new product.
Having not done any programing with Telnet I am kind of lost.
I have searched the help and examples but turned up nothing for Telnet.
Anyone have any VI's handy for opening a Telnet session, logging in, sending commands to navigate through a menu structure, then sending commands and receiveing the data, then parsing the data?
In reality the stuff I have for our old products that had a serial port should still work as far as navigating the menu structure, sending commands to get data, and parsing the data.
I just need to make it work through a telnet session.
Is it as simple as opening a TCP connection on port 23, like opening a VISA session for the comm port on the old products?
03-29-2010 04:50 PM
10-11-2013 01:42 PM
Is there any disadvantage to using the VISA VI's when communicating with a device/product using telnet as opposed to the Telnet VIs that are also available?
10-14-2013 05:57 PM
The Telnet VI's are actually wrappers that, at the core, use TCP functions. The toolkit with the VI's has since been deprecated. Here is a link with some more information:
VISA can be used with GPIB, VXI, PXI, Serial, Ethernet, and/or USB interface.