08-03-2017 06:34 AM
i have already downloaded the attaches file, which is a tutorial of my temp (Pitsco kit attached to my daq to measure the temp by seven thermistors of 7 channels) every thing is ok but i cannot write the outputs of the seven channels into excel file (Time versus temperature).Hint : time format needed
is( dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.000).Many thanks
08-03-2017 06:51 AM - edited 08-03-2017 06:53 AM
Hi zambizo,
i cannot write the outputs of the seven channels into excel file (Time versus temperature).Hint : time format needed is( dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.000).
Why can't you? What's the problem?
You already get 7 temp values.
All you need to do is to determine the elapsed time so far (hint: there is a function called "Elapsed Time"!) and format the given value as needed into a string (hint: there is a function called "Format Into String"). Then you append the temp values (also formatted into string) and write them all into a spreadsheet file (hint: there is a function called "Write Spreadsheet File")…
Try on your own and ask for specific problems! 🙂
08-03-2017 06:57 AM - edited 08-03-2017 06:58 AM
i will try it now and i will feed back with you,many thanks
08-03-2017 08:28 AM
As i haven't any background about the lab view,kindly show me more details about what i have to to ,the block diagram is attached, i need to write the output of the seven channels instantaneously in to spreadsheet file with the previously mentioned time format,so kindly give me more details
08-03-2017 08:39 AM
08-03-2017 09:54 AM
Hi everyone
until learning LV ,i need some help for building of string and spreed sheet .
08-03-2017 10:00 AM - edited 08-03-2017 10:01 AM
08-03-2017 10:00 AM