10-15-2012 03:12 PM
Hello Community,
I am designing a user interface for Teststand by using the simple example vi provided. The name of the file is Top-Level VI.vi
I am trying to understand how the vi works inorder to make changes and ran into a few questions that I was hoping someone could answer for me please.
To start I add my sequence file and click "Test UUTs". Then a dialog box pops up asking to enter the serial number of the UUT, where and what causes that to happen in the code? After I enter my serial number it runs my sequence code and at the end another message box appears specifing in a green or red whether the UUT passed or failed. Where and what causes the Pass/Fail Boxes to happen in the code?
Thank you
Solved! Go to Solution.
10-16-2012 05:59 AM
The S/N dialog is part of the process model.
For the Sequential Model (SequentialModel.seq), the default S/N dialog in found in the 'PreUUT' sub-sequence and implemented as a DLL call.
The PreUUT sub-sequence of the SequentialModel is a callback, so you can override it in your own test sequence.
10-16-2012 11:40 AM
If you had posted this on the TestStand forum, you probably would of gotten some better responses.
But in the meantime, you need to open up the SequentialModel.seq ( or whatever process model you are using ) and navigate to the Execution Entry Point sequence you are using. In this case click on the Test UUTs, icon in the sequence list and follow the test flow.
In regards, to the banner that displays after running UUT test. The Banner is implemented as a DLL in the PostUUT callback. It is based on the status of the MainSequence callback result. This is the result of the test you started via Test UUTs.
The best advice I can give you is to go through the process model sequence file and learn that, it is not an easy task, but worth the effort.
10-17-2012 10:10 AM
Sorry, guess I forgot to state that I am using LabVIEW . I posted the question under labVIEW, because I am looking at the LabVIEW code of the Interface. Need to know where in the code of the vi are the Banner and UUT S/N Displays.
The file should be located in the following directory unless you specified differently.
C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\TestStand 2012\UserInterfaces\Simple\LabVIEW\TestExec.llb
Then select Top-Level VI.vi
Was looking at the Config Event CBacks subvi, but I am really unsure... where and what causes them to happen in the LabVIEW code?
10-17-2012 10:16 AM
10-17-2012 11:08 AM
Thank you, I will do just that. Looks like I still have lots to learn.