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Thor Labs KCube Controller Not Staying Connected

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I am starting to use LabView controllers for the ThorLabs KCube but am a complete beginner in LabView. I have followed the setup guide provided by ThorLabs and my .vi is in the early stages, but it should have everything it needs to run based on the ThorLabs guide. 


My issue is that when I run the .vi it will load for a second, flash the intended controls for the KCube and then go back to the "Disconnected" message that shows when the .vi is not running. 


I am not sure where to go from here, I've made sure all files were in the right place, my system was the correct bit version, and I've reviewed the guide a multitude of times. If anyone knows what might be an issue, your help would be greatly appreciated!



ThorLabs guide: 

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Your While loop is on top of the wire that connects "Create Device" and "Close Device", not in-line with it.  So it's not waiting on your While loop, and closing immediately.  


Redo that wire and make sure the terminals go through it like this:




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