02-08-2017 11:09 AM
Ok so I fixed the blocking issue. It was the termination stuff of the property node. My bad...
Still having an issue with the writing though. Got error -1073807339 for the VISA Write. Any ideas?
02-08-2017 12:21 PM
That is a timeout error. I have never seen that for a VISA Write. That is typically coming from a VISA Read.
Are you sure about the source of the error?
02-08-2017 12:31 PM
Yes, I checked it again. It is in fact coming from Visa Write. It will set there blocking for I guess 1 second, and then move on. Is the way that I'm trying to send the message taking too long or something? Or is it just that it's not sending it at all?
02-08-2017 12:36 PM
Maybe something is wrong with the driver they provide and VISA is not communicating with that.
Do they have any software that you can try using to see if your PC is able to communicate with it through that?
02-08-2017 12:41 PM
Yes I have been able to use Kinesis and some APT DLL files, they worked good. But now I'm trying to do it without DLL files, and just use VISA. Why would they put in the manual of how to send messages if there wasn't an option?