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Time on RT Targets

I am working with a cRIO-9024, LabVIEW 2014, and Windows 7.  I am seeing a discrepancy in the time that I get from the Get Date/Time In Seconds VI and the Get Date/Time String VI.  For some reason they are an hour different than each other.  It appears they are from two different sources?


The time and time zone on my PC are set correct.  I have the right time zone set in the RT Target.  I even made a separate VI to set time and the time zone programmatically on the cRIO.  But I can't seem to do anything to make the times line up.


When I start up the cRIO and open either MAX or the web utility I see two times listed.  One is the time in the system configuration window and the second is the time from the time configuration window.  On startup these times should be pretty close if you look at one and then another.  Is the source for time different for these windows?


I saw a note on one post that indicated that time generated for one type of indicator is taken from the local PC time.  I don't really understand how or why that is.  When I run my Time Check VI on my PC all time indicators are correct.  When I run it on the cRIO the ones that generate the strings are behind by an hour.  I also noticed the Seconds To Date/Time VI is off also and when that input is put into Date/Time to Seconds VI it is correct.  How is that VI manipulating the input that you are putting into it?  I would of thought it should accept the wrong numbers and use them??


If you have run into this issue please let me know if you have a solution.  I have added my Time Check VI and Set RT Time and Zone VI to this post.


Thanks for your help,


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Message 1 of 5

@JoeWork wrote:

When I run my Time Check VI on my PC all time indicators are correct.  When I run it on the cRIO the ones that generate the strings are behind by an hour. 


I'm guessing that you are in the US.  What's (probably, or possibly) happening is that your PC is ahead an hour because it is using Daylight Savings Time, and your cRIO is on UTC, adjusted for your Time Zone, but not for DST.


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 5

Thanks for your reply, 


I believe my RT and my PC are set on the same time zone.  Unless there is something in the pictures I don't see.

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Message 3 of 5

I don't have my PXI system running at the moment, but I recall running into the "off-by-an-hour" situation when in DST.  Note that your two Web Config 1 and Web Config 2 times differ by about an hour (I assume you did them more-or-less at the same time, i.e. within minutes of each other, yet the times say 2:26 and 1:28).


I use the clock in the RT system for accurate "interval" time.  I don't generally TimeStamp my data -- I use the PC clock to give me "My Time" for Start of Recording, and use the RT Clock to give me "elapsed time since Start of Recording".  I was puzzled by the RT discrepancy that you also are seeing, and decided to use both clocks for different purposes, as I could then trust both of them.


Bob Schor

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Message 4 of 5

By the way, just by chance - do you have configured synchronization of cRIO clock with some network time server? You could synch it, to the same time server as your PC, to be sure that you have exactly the same time...

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