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Timed auto sweep in impedance analyzer

Hello friends


I am using Hp 4192 A impedance analyzer for capacitance measurements and I used the instrument driver provided by NI to develop a vi which would doa frequency sweep and record the corresponding capacitance data . I use this Vi in a continuous loop so that the frequency sweep starts again when it ends. The only problem is I need to do sweep which  restarts exactly in one minute.I dont care about the last frequency at which it measures. All I want is the sweep to restart after 1 min and the data being stored.Please help me in this regard.


The link to the instrument driver is




Message Edited by Srik on 09-22-2009 09:32 AM
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you have several options to achieve this; for instance wait subvi or timed loop..

it doesn t matter what the HP does.. you can use producer- consummer template (data) and send a notifier when it is the time to start... post some images of what you have done and we ll go from there


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