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Timing Information

Hi all 


I have an application where a microcontroller  (16F874Microchip)  is used in the hardware side. the microcontroller is used to to convert from analogue to digital at a samling frequency up to 25KHZ . it is also used to send bytes to the computer using internal USART. 


the microcontroller is sending a signal that should be received, filtered and displayed  by labview . Well everything seem to be working fine concerning displaying the signal but when i try to filter the incomming signal i should provide timing informations . 1/Fs = 1/25KHZ . the problem is when i configure the timing infos and connect the signal to a buterworth filter nothing is displayed . 


besides when i also connect the displayed signal with timing information provided to a wavelet application it gives me an error saying that i am applying an empty signal .



can you guys SAVE me please ?


Bill David
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Bill David,


Please show us some code with typical data saved as default.


From your description my guess would be that you are not getting the data from the communications port to the filter/wavelet nodes.



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Hi Johnsold


Thank you for the reply . I have found what was the error . i was supplying the timing information 1/Fs and t0 for the graph and the filtered signal to  bundle by name function in order to draw them using a waveform graph . But with waveform graph nothing isa displayed while everything works fine when connecting the output of bundle into a waveform chart . 

by the way . i was told that waveform charts heeps history and waveform graph do not . I m just confused i have seen that waveform chart do not keep history but waveform graph . can you explain that please /?


Thank you 



Bill David
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Bill David,


The best place to start is with the detailed help file for graphs and charts. It contains several pages of information on all the types of graphs and charts available in LV.  That explanation is better than anything I could offer.


With the Context Help window open (which I strongly recommend anytime you are writing a program) slide the cursor over a graph or chart, then click on the Detailed Help link in the Context Help window.


If you still have questions after that, try writing some simple VIs which exercise various features of the graphs and charts.



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5



Thank you for being helpful . i appreciate that . I will 🙂

Bill David
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 5