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Touch panels not under targets and devices

Hi All,


I've used the NI touch panel module before with Labview 8.6. I now have Labview 2009 and have installed the touch panel module 2009. When I open a project and go to add targets and devices I have no option to expand touch panels as I did in 8.6. The module appears in Max and in my license manager.


Any suggestions to what I can try? I have tried reinstalling the module.





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Message 1 of 7



That is strange! If you go to Help»Find Examples... from within LabVIEW you can open up the Example Finder. In the Browse tab of the example finder there are many folders that populate the center column. Two of those folders are "Toolkits and Modules" and "Toolkits and Modules Not Installed." Which folder does the Touch Panel Module show up in? Are you able to open up and run one of the examples? What Operating System are you using?

Message Edited by Ben S on 02-16-2010 11:56 AM
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Ben Sisney
FlexRIO V&V Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 7

Hi Ben


Thanks for the response. I've done as you said and 'Touch Panel' is under 'Toolkits and Modules' and I can open examples. I agree this is strange and hence why I'm a little stuck on what to do.




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Message 3 of 7



If you open up the NI License Manager at Start»Programs»National Instruments»NI License Manager  and expand the tree out, does the Touch Panel Module show up under the Modules Tree of LabVIEW 2009? If so, what color is the box next to it?


As for now, if you can open up examples and program the touch panel that way, you have a workaround until we figure out why you can't add it to a blank project.

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Ben Sisney
FlexRIO V&V Engineer
National Instruments
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0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Hi Ben,


The module is under Labview 2009 and is green, so everything is in order when it comes to that.


I have an idea to why this may be happening. I have reinstalled it a few times and noticed that the installation hangs a bit on the C++ distribution, so maybe this is not being installed correctly. I had a look online and saw that in previous versions like 8.6, you can download the extras needed... given in this document

My understanding is that 2009 everything ships together. Will try work on this part of the installation and see if that makes a difference and will post back.





0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7



So I've tried a few things. 1 was installing on another PC and I had the same problem where the C++ distribution installation hung, but that didn't seem to give any hassles. I could then, within my project on this other PC, go into targets and devices and then Touch Panels. So thats obviously not the problem on my other comp.

So I'm still not sure why I can't see TPs under targets on device on my PC, but I'm using the work around, so its fine for now. If I find out whats causing the problem I'll post back.




0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7



Thanks for the reply! I'm glad the workaround is working for you and I apologize for this wierd issue you are seeing.

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Ben Sisney
FlexRIO V&V Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 7 of 7