02-07-2023 07:49 AM
Hello I am a beginner in Labview,
In my FPGA VI, I would like to buffer different types of data into a DMA FIFO. I m using a cRIO-9114 and recording data at a high frequency using NI 9215 AI module (to record a pressure) and NI 9411 DI module (TTL signal of a torque meter).
The torque meter will output a squared signal from 60kHz (-500Nm) to 420kHz (500Nm) and I'm counting the number of FPGA ticks to detect100 risign edges of this signal to obtain the frequency. I set the frequency as a U32. The pressure signal will be buffered as raw data and is FXP<+-,20,5>.
I have to record 7200 elements for each of those signals (pressure and frequency). I tried to use two FIFOs first but the memory of the FPGA was at 133% use. I don't know alternatives to transfer multiple datatypes with a limited memory size.
I know that Multi-channelling data in DMA Application should be done with the same data type... But I see only the solution in which I have to build an array with two different datatypes and then tranfser it into DMA Write. But, I am not able to find a solution without precision loss or data missmatch at the entrance of the DMA FIFO.
Can someone help me?
Kind regards,
02-07-2023 09:55 AM
You could make the FIFO sizes smaller. You may be using resources in other places that could be cut.