01-20-2024 09:43 PM
Is there a way to transfer a matlab code to labVIEW without using mathscript? I am using labview base and don't have the mathscript addon.
01-21-2024 12:33 AM
can you compile your Matlab code into a .NET dll using the application builder app (in Matlab)? Here's the official tutorial: https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA03q000000YGE2CAO
In case you cannot, and you're using LV 2023 versions, I think you can link the .m files itself from the Connections section of LabVIEW library.
I don't have a PC with LabVIEW in it at the moment so if you want, I or someone else can give you a more detailed instruction later
01-21-2024 12:13 PM
Do you have the matlab script node and matlab installed? (not sure if LabVIEW base has that). What's your LabVIEW version?
How complicated is the matlab code? Maybe it could be easily rewritten in G.
01-21-2024 02:49 PM
01-21-2024 03:15 PM
Then why do you need LabVIEW? Logging thermocouple measurements is simple and doesn't need code spread across LabVIEW and MATLAB.
01-21-2024 08:06 PM
@santo_13 wrote:
Then why do you need LabVIEW? Logging thermocouple measurements is simple and doesn't need code spread across LabVIEW and MATLAB.
To paraphrase @santo_13, then why do you need Matlab? If you are planning to use LabVIEW to acquire the data, getting it to also save the data should be a piece of cake. Since you are getting started with LabVIEW, I recommend "Learn{ing) 10 Functions in NI-DAQmx and handle 80% of your Data Aquisition Applications" (do a Web search for "Learn 10 Functions" and you'll find this excellent summary of DAQmx). Disregard the first section talking about the (Dreaded) DAQ Assistant. Your instructor or a fellow student (perhaps from an earlier class) might help you see how simple DAQmx can be.
Bob Schor