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Trigger visa resource 1 using visa resource 2 output



I am working on controlling temperature automatically using LABVIEW. In the below diagram you can see the when the DUT temperature equals to setpoint, it goes to the Ture or False condition. 


In the true condition it detects the board is waking up or not. I set the loop to run for 60seconds. 


Once it's done, it need to increase the setpoint. But, here I am using two different visa resources. How can I send the data of visa resource 2 to activate/ trigger the visa resource 1 setpoint temperature.  




Is it possible to communicate two different resources? How?


Thank you.


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Message 1 of 8

"How can I send the data of visa resource 2 to activate/ trigger the visa resource 1 setpoint temperature" - By using a TRUE/FALSE case. Let's say TRUE would come from resource 2 you would put any action for resource 1 into the TRUE case. Resources can be held open as long as the While loop runs, or you open/write/read/close them every time.


"Is it possible to communicate two different resources? How?" - Yes. By opening two or more different resources which even isn't ncessary, as the VISA Write VI would open them automatically as soon as you call it. You only have to use two different resource names.


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Message 2 of 8

Hi jrengg,


@jrengg wrote:

Once it's done, it need to increase the setpoint. But, here I am using two different visa resources. How can I send the data of visa resource 2 to activate/ trigger the visa resource 1 setpoint temperature.  


Is it possible to communicate two different resources? How?

Are you using two different VISA resources, pointing to two different devices?

Or do you want to set the setpoint on the very same device as you read your process values from?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 3 of 8

Hi GerdW,


To be clear, yes I am using two different devices. Both need to be called separately. Once the second device is done with the execution, I need to increment a value in the first device. 


Is it possible to link two different visa resources. I just tried to connect it, it is showing a broken wire.

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Message 4 of 8

Hi jrengg,


@jrengg wrote:

Once the second device is done with the execution, I need to increment a value in the first device.

How do you know the "2nd device is done"?

Do you get a specific response? Can you request a status report?


Do your devices offer some Trigger lines/signals?

Which devices do we talk about?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 5 of 8

Hi GerdW,


To answer your question:

1. I have set a elapsed timer to stop the execution of the second loop(for eg., 30sec). I have made a Boolean light to indicate the response and also a indicator to count the number of times the LED blinks. It is possible to plot a graph and obtain the data. 


2. No, once the execution stop, again the visa resource 1 starts to run again with the same input value. I want to increment the value once the visa resource 2 stops.

How to synchronize both the resources? 


I am trying to make a automated temp control over MPI and a reader device. 

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Message 6 of 8

Hi jrengg,


@jrengg wrote:

1. I have set a elapsed timer to stop the execution of the second loop(for eg., 30sec). I have made a Boolean light to indicate the response and also a indicator to count the number of times the LED blinks. It is possible to plot a graph and obtain the data. 


2. No, once the execution stop, again the visa resource 1 starts to run again with the same input value. I want to increment the value once the visa resource 2 stops.

How to synchronize both the resources? 

What about setting up a statemachine to handle/synch both resources?

Then your problem reduces to handle the conditions for each state - one state should be "increment input value for VISA resource 1" (or similar)…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 7 of 8

Hi GerdW,


I will try to implement your suggestion. 


Thank you!

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Message 8 of 8