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Trouble Stretching an Image to Fit Parameters

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I'm a student relatively new to Labview working on a project to find and identify the state of a checkers game board with a web camera. Thus far I have found the edges of the board with the straight edge finder VI, have cropped the photo along these edges and rotated it so that the top of the board lies parallel to my coordinate plane. However, the edges in the image aren't quite straight and the image isn't a true square. (some edges are slightly skewed) Is anyone familiar with a way to stretch an image like this into a rectangle?




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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author Elodin

Hello Elodin,


You'll want to use the calibration tools within Vision Development Module of LabVIEW.  Please see the Perspective and Nonlinear Distortion Calibration for more information on these tools.  You can find some examples of how to use them here and here.


David A.

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Message 2 of 3

Thank you David,


It seems like that was what I was looking for!

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Message 3 of 3