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Two Plane Balancing Example with DAQmx


I start with labview.

I try to make some change in Two Plane Balancing Example with DAQmx.

Now the speed only show results when press aquire and need to change this to work continuously.

How to do it?

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Message 1 of 6

Hi artur,


@artur_1617 wrote:

I try to make some change in Two Plane Balancing Example with DAQmx.

Now the speed only show results when press aquire and need to change this to work continuously.

How to do it?

Use a loop to have it "work continuously".


When you need more/better answers you should attach your code...

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 6

I have absolutely no idea what the "Two plane Balancing Example" -- a Google search brings me back to your Forum post.  You did not attach any code.  You did not tell us what version of LabVIEW you are using.  You did not tell us what NI Hardware you are using.


You did tell us that you are a beginning "student of LabVIEW".  We are happy to help and make suggestions (possibly being "Learn more LabVIEW"), but you need to help us to help you (see first paragraph).


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

This is what I try to change

I have labview 2013

Acquisition card ni-6008

Try to put them (speed)  in While loop and out of case structure but only working when press acquire...

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Hi artur,


@artur_1617 wrote:

Try to put them (speed)  in While loop and out of case structure but only working when press acquire...

Yes, it will wait for a ValueChange event of frontpanel controls in this event structure.


What have you tried so far?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Hello, @artur_1617.


Thank you for the reference to the original example, written with LabVIEW 10.  I found the description of the process interesting (I'm not an engineer, but appreciate and understand the math involved), but the execution of the paradigm flawed.  Using a Tab Control (instead of a model based on a State Machine or Message Handler) is very "old-fashioned" and hard to control/explain/improve (for example, there are 4 copies of many controls and indicators to keep straight).


I don't have a good solution for you.  If this is something you are studying in order to learn LabVIEW programming, I'd say "find a better example" or "take a better LabVIEW course" (don't get me started ...).  If this is something you need to use right away, I'd say "Hire a good Developer".  The concepts aren't difficult (and are well-explained in the text included with the Example code), but the execution is too idiosyncratic and difficult to modify/improve.


Bob Schor

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Message 6 of 6