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UDP Parse the certain bytes of data

Hello everyone,


 I am working on a UDP reader in Labview. I am able to read the data from the UDP port and can store them as well. The data size is 1472 byte and I would like read only the 1424 byte out of it. Because first 44 bytes and last 4 bytes are not my actual data.UDP Reader copy.JPG

 You can also check how I read my data from UDP. 

I would be appreciated if you can suggest me any solution.

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If you use the number of received bytes to tell you when you're finished, you can use String Subset to get the middle section.


What conditions apart from timeout lead to requiring multiple calls? Perhaps you can check if the timeout occurred and use that to recall the same VI with it set for shared clone reentrancy (and lower the number of expected bytes to those remaining)?

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