Hi, I am using LabVIEW 6i. I am trying to send 2048bytes of data to another PC in the Network using UDP. And I have modified the example programs given with LabVIEW i.e.
UDP_Sender.vi and UDP_Receiver.vi etc to send and receive 2048bytes but it is not getting any data. I heard that there may be chances of losing data in UDP but here it is not
getting any of the data at all.
Here with I have attached both the VIs. I tried to send data in sender vi with 1ms wait in loop. And tried to receive 10ms wait and 10ms of timeout on receiver even than it is not getting any data. I tried 1ms on both the side but not succeeded.
Here we want to find out, what is the maximum data LabVIEW can send to other PC using UDP and practically how much time require to receive sent data.
Is there anybody who can guige me please? Anybody know anyway to do this thing!