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USB 6001 - Using DI/O lines for Digital Pot

Hello everyone,

I've looked around a good bit about this question, and I can't quite find something that works, so I figured I'd ask.


I have a USB 6001, and a DPot (this one):


I can control this DPot using 3 Raspberry Pi GPIOs. It seemed simpler than using the SPI I suppose. I attached the Python code I used.


Since I can use the GPIOs, I figured I could do it with the I/O lines of my DAQ. But I'm completely dumbfounded as to how to do it. I'm pretty new with Labview, and have gone through the tutorials on this site, and there are so many instances out there using all kinds of different NI Devices that I'm just a bit lost as to how to do this.


Anyways, if anyone has any insight on how to go about this, I would appreciate this immensely! 


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Do you know how to use DAQmx to create and use a Digital Output task?  What I would do is build up an array of what the digital lines need to be and then autoindex on the array to write with DAQmx Write.

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