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USB 9233 problem

Dear All,
I'm experiencing a frustrating problem trying to use an USB-9233 board (USB-9162 carrier plus cRIO-9233). I have installed it in two different laptop computers with the NI-DAQmx drivers (versión 8.00), which shipped with the card. Both of them see the card in MAX, and pass the autotest without problems. However, one of them gets the following error when running the test panel: -200361. According to the error description, this is due to low USB bandwidth, resulting in the card buffer getting full.
The funny thing is that the computer in which the card does not work has USB 2.0 ports, while the one where it works has USB 1.1. Besides, I have used another NI-USB card in the same computer and it works OK (also any USB device I have tried, memories, mouse, ...). I have also checked the computer hardware drivers versions and they seem to be up-to-date.
Thinking of a problem in MAX I tried to access the card via Labview, and sometimes I get the same error, but sometimes the card acquires good data. It seems that the more samples I acquire the better possibilities I have to get data. When I sample low quantities (less than 4000), the error appears, regardless the sampling rate. This behaviour doesn't seem to be very consistent with the error description (the less number of samples, the less chance for the buffer getting full, If I'm not wrong...).
Did somebody had a similar problem with USB cards? Could it be some lack of compatibility with some computer brands or models?
The computer where the card doesn't work is a Compaq Evo N800v, while the computer where it works is a HP nx9005.
Thanks for your help,
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Message 1 of 5

I think the problem is caused by the cpu utiliuzation of the laptop. As you might know, the data transfer from the USB interface to the pc's memory is message based, so everytime the data is transfered from the onboard buffer of the device to the memory of the pc, the cpu gets involved. What, if the cpu is busy with other load? In this case, the data might not be transfered to the pc memory often enough and you receive this buffer overflow error.
The idea to increase the "number of samples to read" is a good approach, this reduces the communcation load with the usb device and therefore frees up the cpu, but first check the cpu utilization in the task manager when you're acquiery data from the USb device, and try to reduce the general cpu load.

Let me know, if this helped you out.

Cheers, Stefan

Impossible is nothing - nothing is impossible
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Message 2 of 5

I have checked CPU usage while the process is running, and it goes no higher than 5%. Also checked memory and, although the program is larger than I have though, there is still more than 100 Mb free on the computer.

I'm a bit lost with this as the number of samples where the problem appears seems to vary each time I test it. I don't know, maybe it's time to re-install windows from scratch and see what happens.
Thanks for your help
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Message 3 of 5


I am trying to install NI-DAQ for NI 9233 but it does not work. I have labview 8.0 and windows Vista 32 BITS. Labview 8 works good until now in this windows, so the problem is with windows, with labview?. I can not install the software NI-DAQ 8.5 or 8.6 because  appear this message:

Unsupported version of National Instruments system component detected

Unsupported version of NI-VISA detected

Unsupported version of NI PXI Platform Services detected

Unsupported version of NI-DAQmx detected

Does anybody know what can I do???????????????

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Message 4 of 5
See reply to Rafo's question here.
Tom W
National Instruments
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Message 5 of 5