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Unable to verify Labview community edition

I've installed "LabVIEW2023Q3Patch5Community.dmg".   
I am running an Apple M1 Ultra, with Sonoma 14.6.1 

When I go to register/authenticate the software - I get the following messages:

"You have been authenticated.  You may close this window"

Then on the application it states:

"Unable to verify LabVIEW Community Edition entitlement.

Please login to and redownload LabVIEW Community Edition."

I have removed and downloaded 3 times - each with the same result. 

Any thoughts or recommendations? 

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Hi dalkeja,


I had similar issues with an older Mac.


Additionally I was not getting to the "You have been authenticated. You may close this window" with every activation attempt, only every xth time...


So I could not activate LV 2023 Q3 but managed to activate LVCE Q1 just now after going through the following steps:


  1. downloading LVCE 2023 Q1 instead of Q3
  2. attempting uninstall with the uninstall script of the Q3 dmg.
  3. manually removed all files/directories mentioned in the uninstall script, after I realised that the script ran through too quickly without removing the files
  4. Installed LVCE 2023 Q1, for some reason the default config did not install LVCE and I had to run the installer a second time explicily selecting to install LVCE not just the LV runtime


For now I cannot tell which part was actually causing problems and if all steps are really necessary to succeed:


  • There may be an issue with activating with LVCE Q3 for macOS:
    "if you have similar issues by activating LabVIEW 2023 Q3 on MAC download an earlier version (LabVIEW 2023 Q1 preferably) which will trigger the activation process."
  • The uninstall script does not seem to uninstall properly all files of a particular LV version or even all shared NI files in neither  /Library nor ~/Library. (To be considered also: multi user scenarios.). 
  • Per default, the installer does not seem to install (or re-install) all files when not choosing "Install Type: Customise".

I hope this helps 😉

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