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Unknown Chasis Problem cRio-9074

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Some time ago we have obtained a cRio-9074 system with bunch of cards. I am in charge of configuring it but till today I was unsuccessful. The hardware and software was used by previous owner, but there is no signs of malfunction or wear. I am pretty frustrated because I completely do not know what to do next. The problem is:


NI-MAX seems to identify the cRio (see Screen_NI.png) but does not see the chasis (Chasis Unknown) though I have 8 slot chasis. You can see also software installed on the target. I also attach target's software list expanded in the picture targets_software.png. I believe that all essential software is installed.


I have a license for LabView 2013 - I attach software that is installed on the computer that is connected to cRio (computer_software.png).


There is also some network device present with no IP (only Hostname) when I Open Visa Test Panel there is an error ( I attach a screen: Network_device_visa_error.png). Maybe it is chasis that cant be indentified?


Network connection: cRio is connected directly to laptop through switch and ethernet cables. Both cRio and computer have static addresses: 

Computer address (TCP-IP ver. 4): (gate) (dns)

cRio address (static): (gate) (dns)

I ping cRio and connection is ok.


There is also one issue I do not understand. When I cut off the power to cRio and turn it on again status Led blinks 3 times (in NI-MAX system state is Safe Mode). I have to move dip switch SAFE MODE to ON, change the network config to static and save, after cRio restarts status led is not blinking, but there is Visa error in NI-MAX. However after switching SAFE MODE dip switch to off, Visa error is gone and device seems to work properly. It happens every time I turn on cRio again as if it could not save the settings.


I think it is pretty much everything I know about the system.  I would be very thankful for any help. 


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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author Lecki_M

Hi Lecki,


two notes:

1. The cRIO has LV2015 installed, while you are using LV2013. I suggest to use the same LabVIEW version on your computer and cRIO.

2. Can you create a new Realtime project and use your cRIO as hardware target?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 2 of 4

Thank you GerdW, it is probably software conflict. 

I try to format cRio drive today and install Lv2013 software.

I have tried to add new target or device in blank Project and Labview does not detect any devices. 


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Message 3 of 4

I have managed to successfully configure cRio. I have uninstalled and installed software once more on computer (Labview 2013), formatted and installed soft on the Chasis. I also installed matching drivers from August 2013 (previously I had installed newer drivers from 2014) and did critical updates. I doubt that installing older drivers did anything good, I think that these updates made the system work. Concluding GerdW was right that incompatible versions of Labview was the problem, if I had made an update, it would probably work right after installing matching software version on the cRio.


P. S.

Ni-Max still shows an information that chasis is unknown, even Labview sees it. Is it normal?

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Message 4 of 4