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Updating the cluster in called sub.vis

Hi, I am using a custom written LabView program, the main vi calls several sub.VIs. In the main VI, there is a strict tyrpe defined cluster containing of boolean indicators. What I want is when I make a change in the type definition, I would be able to see the changes in the called vis. 

The steps that I take for this is as follows:

1-Firstly make the changes in the the corresponding the cluster and save it.

2-Recreating the VI server reference of the cluster in the block diagram in the main vis.

3-Recreating property class(value) from the newly created server reference in the main vi and get these property classes to update the property classes in the called sub.vis.


I guess, I am missing some of the steps because it seems that I can't see the updated cluster in the called sub vis.

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Message 1 of 6

Hi kutal,


It isnt very clear from your post what exactly your problem is. Could you please zip your project or VI and attach it? 

I could help you better once I have a look at your program.



Prashanth N
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Create a Type def cluster and use that as input/output and they'll all change if you update the type def file.

File new->Other file->Custom control  -> Change to type def and copy-paste your current cluster.


Replace your current input/outputs to this type def.



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Qestit Systems
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Message 3 of 6

Hi Kutal,


I' m sorry, I don't have the answer, but the same problem. I created a strict type def, a waveform graph in my case, named test.ctl. It was used in a VI where I modify programatically the X-scale, named I checked that the strict type def was actually modified in test.ctl. However the instance of this strict type def in was not updated.

I would like to know wether there's a programmatic method to update an intance of a modified strict type def ?

Thank you,


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Message 4 of 6

Hi back,


Sorry for the late response, that is almost same problem that I have right now. 

Yes, using Type Def, helps but the problem is that I can't add new elements to my cluster; in other words, when I added I can't see the updated version in the main vi.





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Message 5 of 6



I would check to make sure that the controls in all of your VI's are actually referencing the type def.  An easy way to do this is right click each control and ensure it say open type deff.  If you created the type def. as an after thought it prolly didn't get carried through to the other VIs.




Just trying to spread the LabVIEW love.
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Message 6 of 6