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Use Wii Balance Board in LabVIEW

 Hi again


Thanks for the information. I found a way to get the data to excel, i want to share it in case anyone else ever needs it. I simply added two 'Write to Measurement File' express VIs. I separetely connected the signal ports to the wires that go into the bundle. As in picture. In properties i check 'one header only', 'one column only', 'binary(tdms)' and 'use next available filename'.The x and y data go to different files but it's just a copy-paste work to join them together.



0 Kudos
Message 41 of 77

Hi craya, 

sorry to disturb you again. I just wonder by any chance do you know how the total weight is calculated in the Labview code? I think the board has 3 calibrations and they are 0KG, 17KG, 34KG. and we should do something like linear interpolation to get the actual value of the weight. but in the labview code, i can't find this kind of calculation. do you konw how did the the code do the calculation?

Thanks very much!

0 Kudos
Message 42 of 77

Hello, about use of two Balance Board, i don't try it but your code seems correct

0 Kudos
Message 43 of 77

I don't use the calibrations included in the configuration.

I used a known weight and calculated the ratio between the weight and value of the sensors. In my case the relationship is 102 units per kilogram.

An improvement to the code is to calculate different relationships with different weights, and modify the constant with a function or linear interpolation.

0 Kudos
Message 44 of 77

Hello Tugcek,


I am working on a project to measure the weight distribution of a client. She has gone through an amputation and wanted to see how her weight distribution has been affected. I am trying to use the wii balance board to acquire data. I have been successful in getting values using ur modified files, but I am unable to figure out the weight from it. I have 2 columns, x and y and some values are negative. How do I get the measurements of the four sensors? The X-Y plot has values of 10,000 to -10,000...what do this values mean? I do understand that if the point stays near 0,0 then the person is well balanced,




0 Kudos
Message 45 of 77

Values are a mathematical calculation of the position, and the X-Y plot values from 10k to 10k are only the limits of the plot.

If you only use the example with my files, you can't have the weight. And if the point is near 0,0 maybe the person is well balanced, but in the first second when you start the program, there must be no weight on the platform to calibrate the offset of the values. 


If you want the weigth and the values of the sensors of the balance board, you need modify the program in Labview. In one of the output connectors of the file, you can have the values of the sensors and to find weight you need sum all the sensor values and adjust the ratio of the weight. The relationship tested in some original boards was 102 units per kg. approximately, then to get the weight you need divide the sum of the sensors between 102 and get the weight in kg. 

Ex. If the sum of the four sensors is 7742 then 7742/102 = 75.9 kg.

I don't test any compatible board and it's possible that the ratio can be different. Put a known weight on the board, and calculate the ratio for the compatible board.


Good luck

0 Kudos
Message 46 of 77

Thanks Craya,


I am relative new to labview and was having trouble reaching the block diagram for the file. I was able to get the block diagram for the Usage_WiiBalanceBoard. vi file by double clicking the x-y plot and edit the diagram to record the x and y values. However, double clicking did not work for the get_sensor file. Am i doing something wrong? How would I edit the get_sensor file to record the data its reading? I can see the values in the get_sensor filechange when I run the Usaga_WiiBalanceBoard file, but data isn't being saved.



0 Kudos
Message 47 of 77

I don't know what happen with file, because there is no file protection.

0 Kudos
Message 48 of 77



Iam new bie in this forum, I am very much interested to know  about clarke's(member) data acquisition program from wii, Anybody possess this information , can you please  upload the information whic will benefit us to conduct a similar research using Wii


Thank you


Wii researcher

0 Kudos
Message 49 of 77

Can anyone tell me how to increase the data collection rate while using the balance board the these VI's?

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Message 50 of 77