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User INterface Event Registration with Controls[] property

I am looking for a way to take a main vi and using teh controls[] property form a user event handler that uses the controls array as a source for registration of events. I have lots of controls and need a good way of architecting this in Labview so that GUI maintenance is minimized. I also do not see how to differentiate as to which control was pressed if they are all registered in an array with teh controls[] property. Help...
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Hi id,


This knowledgebase should be helpful to you--it is what I used to make the attached VI:


The attached VIs are a swiftly written demonstration of what it sounds like you want to do.

dynamic event registration for every control cycles through every control--it has a single event case for every control

dynamic event registration for every control-option 2 just registers for a huge amount of controls--more than you have--and then has an event case for each of those. This option is more robust, but more complex.


Hope this helps,

D Smith

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