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Using a wiimote with LabVIEW

Hi Yossarian,

Which error code are you receiving? A screen shot of it would be valuable in understanding what's going on here.

Amanda Howard
Americas Services and Support Recruiting Manager
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 21 of 220
Well the problem is that while I can interface the wiiremote with windows, labview will not recognize something. The bluetooth adapter I used came with some drivers of its own, and I installed them. However when i try to run one of these example programs, error message # -1 pops up. I doesn't have any information because I don't think it is an error with a labview subVI but with one that was custom made. I have a feeling this has to do with the driver I am using. Should I uninstall the IOGEAR driver and try the windows bluetooth driver? I would have tried this before but I am having trouble with the computer's that are on my school network. When I get a copy on a computer that doesn't have windows bluetooth troubles I will try this. Am I going in the right direction here or does the driver I use not matter?
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Message 22 of 220
Hi Yossarian,

I'm not sure which driver you'll need, but there is more information in the following KnowledgeBase article:
Requirements for Using Bluetooth with LabVIEW

The related links at the bottom of this KnowledgeBase article are also helpful.

Hope this helps!

Amanda Howard
Americas Services and Support Recruiting Manager
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 23 of 220
The problem seems to stem from the fact that the bluetooth adapter I am using is not supported by the bluetooth stack in Windows XP SP2. Looks like I'm buying another adapter (Belkin).
0 Kudos
Message 24 of 220

I've tried to use the wiimote with the vi's delivered in the zip-file.  After some debugging it seems that output of hid.ddl:hd_setoutputreport in the vi doesn't return a value.  That is what is generating the error in my computer.  Does anyone know how to take care of that?  I've tried to copy the hid.ddl file from c:\windows\system32 in various directories with the vi's but nothing helps. 

0 Kudos
Message 25 of 220
What is your problem? Is the wiimote simply not interfacing with labview? If so, are you using the Windows bluetooth stack as the driver for your bluetooth dongle?
0 Kudos
Message 26 of 220
Well, I use a WIDCOMM bleutooth stack with a broadcom bleutooth usb dongle.  I can connect to it in windows and I also used glovepie to use the wiimote as a "mouse" in windows.  That works ok.  I want to access the accelloremeter data in labview, but there the vi "wiimote_set_output_Report" gives an error.  If I debug the block diagram, the originates from the hid.dll library. 

I've read somewhere that you need to write to the wiimote device, to access the accellerometer data.  And maybe the widcomm stack with the usb doesn't allow it.  I've also read that using bleusoleil would solve the problem., so I've ordered a new USB dongle with bluesoleil.
0 Kudos
Message 27 of 220
Well the point I'm trying to make is that you cannot install drivers that came with your bluetooth dongle, you must uninstall them and let windows install its own drivers if you want the wii remote to work in labview. The New Hardware wizard should find the driver already on your computer. Although if Windows cannot find the correct driver you can manually add your dongle device ID to the bth.inf file appropriately and it should then work.
0 Kudos
Message 28 of 220

This is great when i got it working.  I have a few problems getting it to work constantly.
The Wiimote would only stay connected only for a few seconds and then disconnect.

Also, has anybody got this to work with the BlueSoleil stack?   When I use the BlueSoleil stack, the wiimote stays connected.
Is it possible to access the Wiimote through the HID layer to get past Labview's Microsoft BT stack restriction?

Thanks in Advance
0 Kudos
Message 29 of 220
Ohh.. Here are the details of my problem.
Wimote Open works and returns a handle and no error but Wiimote Set Output Report will always return -1.
Running Vista64 if that makes a difference.


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Message 30 of 220