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Using icon shape for tunneling generic wires

Hi Ben,

Yep, I allready knew to create icons smaller than 32x32 pixels.   How do you think I made my 'tunnel'?   That's real Labview, not photoshop.  Smiley Wink

I've used Action Engines quite a bit recently, in a pseudo-OOP style using single element queue's.  Has worked very well in reducing this kind of wire clutter.  However, now that Labview has OOP natively, I've switched to that.  Unfortunately, the way it's implemented (value in stead of a reference), I'm getting some of those wires back again...  Smiley Sad 

The 'start' and 'stop' in the code shown, are actually LVOOP methods.  It's inside a 'for'-loop, with up to 4 objects, which represent 4 actual motors.  I don't think that would be appropriate for an action engine...  



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I almost always keep my error wire straight as well, but when I have "parallel" code paths, but I need to control execution order within those paths, it is most easily (and aesthetically) accomplished with two subVI paths, with the error wire snaking between them.  Here is a simultaneous AI/AO example from traditional DAQ that illustrates what I'm talking about:

Hope this helps,

Message Edited by Darren on 04-10-2007 11:05 AM

Message 12 of 12