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Using subVI as control?

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@prettypwnie wrote:


And yeah, it's a functional global not a global variable.

In addition, "global" implies just that, so once the subVI is preallocate/reentrant, there is nothing "global" about it. Each subVI instance has it's own sandbox. (... which we want in this case, of course!)


Action engines and functional globals are typically non-reentrant so the data can be shared globally.


Semantics. 😄



0 Kudos
Message 11 of 15

Yeah, I tend to always say functional global when referring to an uninitialized shift register, but you're right, its a bit misleading to say it's "global" when it has pre-allocated reentrancy.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 15

@altenbach wrote:

You can handle all possible state transitions by creating an array with four elements (the current boolean values and their previous value from a feedback node), converting it to a number (boolean array to number) and wiring the number to a case structure.

Here's a quick example. Notice that the logic is now MUCH simpler than yours. 😄




(please verify correct operation. It would be easy to implements the logic into a subVI using the references as mentioned already).


Message 13 of 15
Accepted by topic author RaymondLo

altenbach wrote:
It would be easy to implements the logic into a subVI using the references as mentioned already.


Here's an example for that.



Message 14 of 15


Thanks! This does seem much nicer. I am sticking with what I had because it's working and it's a subVI so it doesn't really mess with the main BD, but this is definately a much nicer way to handle the boolean logic and I will keep an approach like this in mind next time I try and do some boolean binding.




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Message 15 of 15