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VI Logger: number of scans

I'm working with the VI Logger and a NI USB-9162.
I've been increasing the number of scans from 100 to 200 at a scan rate of 12 Hz to get a measurement over approx. 16 seconds. I can see that it works in the test, but whenever I extract the data into Excel I just get 100 data points. I never get any error message in between so it should actually work. Are there any limitations to the number of scans?
Can someone help me to solve that problem and get more data points? Actually I even need more than 200.
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Message 1 of 3
Hello Gianna,

indead it is limited to 100 scans. That is what you configure in your Task Attributtes-->Aquisition Settings --> DAQ Task. I think you configure in your DAQtask n Samples and insert 100 values to scan.
When you edit your task and increase the number of samples in the timing settings, you could log a lot of more scans. And that you could export to Excel.

That should help you, have a nice day

Best Regards
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3
Hi Arsala,
this is exactly what I did but still I just get 100 measurements, so my configurations are not adopted by the program. Do you have any idea, how to solve that and make sure that the program adopts all chances that I do in the acquisition settings?
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Message 3 of 3