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VI for Watlow 942

I'm trying to control a Chamber than is using a Watlow 942 controler with RS232 port. I look over the web and I can't to find anything.


Do any body has that VI?


thank you

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Message 1 of 5


Or implement the protocol yourself using this document.

André (CLA, CLED)
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Message 2 of 5

I make two VI's to control this Walow: SetPoint and read actual Temp.


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Message 3 of 5

lmontoya, how did you connect the watlow 942 to labview? Was the Watlow in FULL program or ON program in the settings? I have downloaded your vis but it doesnt work.




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Message 4 of 5

Are you sure the baud rate is 9600 on your controller? I know the code below is not related to your question but I wanted to show you a better way to do the series of writes. You can use a build array and put the wait inside of that. This way if you want to adjust the timing there is only one place to do it. Are you sure you need the waits?



LabVIEW 2012

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