10-22-2009 10:57 AM - edited 10-22-2009 11:00 AM
My main VI loads the front panels of several subVIs into subpanels. The main VI including all subpanels starts hanging when I start typing in controls of some of these subVIs. Hanging means that...
- I can enter only one character into then control, then it stalls
- the cursors stays in edit mode even if I move it out of the control
- none of any other controls (neither in main VI nor in any subVI) reacts anymore.
Further details:
- The problem occurs only for two of the subVIs/subpanels, the other ones are fine.
- It's a matter of the subVI, not of the subpanel (if I switch to another subVI in the SAME subpanel, the problem does not occur)
- it does not seem to be related to something in the actual LabVIEW code of the respective subVIs because it even occurs if I place some dummy controls without any wiring onto the subVI's front panel and start typing in the dummy control.
- in the case of numeric controls, the problem does NOT occur when I change the control's value by using the spins on the side. It just occurs when I start TYPING.
Does anyone have a hint on how to tackle this problem?
10-23-2009 12:55 AM
10-23-2009 12:56 AM
10-23-2009 01:04 AM
One case may be you would be registering event of control from one vi into the other.
Can you post your code?
10-23-2009 03:34 AM
- I am using LabVIEW 2009.
- There is only one event structure in each of the affected subVIs.
The strange thing is that it hangs before I commit the new value (by pressing enter, by clicking somewhere on the front panel outside the control or by clicking the "enter value" button in the upper left corner of the LabVIEW window). So it hangs WHILE typing. And the only events I have in my event structure are VALUE CHANGE events.
10-23-2009 04:11 AM
10-23-2009 06:18 AM
Attached you find a screen shot of the main.vi right after everything stalls. And a screen shot of the block diagram of one of the two subVIs causing the problem.
Interesting: the problem does not occur when the subVI is run standalone.
I can't post the whole source here in the forum because it's a rather large project (>100MB, >1000 subVIs, dependencies from additional libraries (easyXML from JKI; statechart module). If anybody is interested, I can provide access to the subversion repository.
10-25-2009 03:41 PM - edited 10-25-2009 03:44 PM
I just observed that ALL controls show the strange behaviour, not only those in the two subVIs.
How can it be that LabVIEW is buggy with when one enters control values via the keyboard, and works completely fine when one changes the control values using the mouse?
10-26-2009 07:23 AM
My brain says "not enough data" to answer this question.
It sounds like your UI thread is getting locked-up or you have an un-serviced event that is configured as "Lock UI until done".
Sorry but that is all I can say with the data available.
03-16-2015 01:49 PM
Hi dlanger,
I have the same problem. if you were able to fix it, can you please share how you did it.
Thanks very much