03-14-2024 01:28 AM
Does any guy knows how to solve this Error VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Timeout expired before operation completed below?
03-14-2024 01:52 AM
03-14-2024 02:01 AM
I'm using a TELEDYNE leCroy HDO6104a Oscilloscope, communicating with LV2023 by USBTMC.
03-14-2024 02:28 AM
03-14-2024 02:39 AM
Yes, I download the correct driver, and run an example vi, a same error appeared in VISA CLR.
03-14-2024 02:50 AM
Hi Jiaa,
I never worked with those scopes but usually device drivers from IDNet can talk with their devices.
Do you need to configure your scope to allow remote control?
(With only low expectations: Can you use another USB cable/port?)
03-14-2024 03:03 AM
Not sure about Teledyne but some instrument manufacturers implement different command syntax parsers that you can select in its configuration.
The *IDN? Command is part of the SCPI or IEEE-488.2 command set but other names like VXI11, HiSLIP or LXI, depending on the manufacturer are possible too. Some manufacturers find that not complicated enough and also implement their own command set format, usually to support legacy applications. As it can be hard to support two command parsers in parallel, you often have to select in the device configuration which one the device will use.