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Viewing report for Indivdual Test Socket on Simple OI report viewer

I cannot spend much time on this. I noticed you have added a ModelOptions callback. This seems to disable the launching of the normal multi-socket gui. I suspect that you will have to make changes to the process model because parts of the modelsupport2.dll is expecting responses from it's gui in order to start, report, etc.


Note: when you eliminate the ModelOptions callback and get the multi-socket gui, you have something that works. You just don't have the sequence view. I never cared about this since I was running anywhere from 6 to 10 parallel sockets and viewing them was just confusing.

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Message 11 of 12

Hi Dennis



Is there a way to skip "UUT Information" serial number dialogue if I keep "ModelOptions call back" i.e setting "ModelOptions.ParallelModel_ShowUUTDlg =True " ; Restart & Terminate options may still be required.


We use a separate VI for entering serial numbers which gets customised based on product \ sub-assembly requirements.


thanks vki





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Message 12 of 12