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Virtual joystick pointer to follow picture of shape

I have a virtual proportional joystick which controls a two hydraulic cylinders in a xy format ie both cylinders 50% extended is the x0 y0 position(park position). I can manually control the cylinders but I would like to create....say a circle or any closed shape and have the joystick pointer follow the preselected shape automaticlly with a speed control. I was wondering how to do this, mybe using some kind of corrdinate control. Many thanks for any help. 
Message Edited by alanled on 11-19-2008 06:34 AM
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Message 1 of 5

Could you please post some images to help illustrate your request?


I may be able to offer advice if I had a better idea of what you are after.


Jsut trying to help,



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 2 of 5
I have a picture frame with a pointer dot in the centre that can be dragged with the mouse pointer anywhere within the picture frame outputing 2 values for x and y axis i want  the dot with the use of a start/stop pushbutton to follow any shape i place in the picture frame or have a pre-selection switch with square, circle etc. So, in other words when I press start the dot will follow the path of the circle outputing the x and y values.
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Message 3 of 5

Again, a picture would help me follow you.


As it stands it sounds like you want a dot to move along the path defined by an object in the picture control. Is that correct?


Since I am not sure if I understand your request let me share a link to a thread where I have been gathering links for Picture control threads. Reply #27 of that thread has an embroidery example that may be helpful.


Please forgive me if I am not helping,



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 4 of 5
Yes, thats it, Im sorry for not supplying an image Im not at my computer at the moment.
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Message 5 of 5