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Virtualbench Digital Read and write example

I am using the VirtualBench digital Read and write example to make my own VI. I will have a teststand sequence which will call the vi and turn on  different lines to write for different loop. My question is if i remove the while loop in the following example once I turn a particular line on for example maybe line 1 would the line stay on till i put another input which says turn line 2. and would it turn only the line number 2 for the next step and turn off the line 1 off. 


Thank you 




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

Can anyone kindly help? 🙂


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

The lines are treated individually.  So updating line 2 should not affect line 1.


My concern is if you close the reference, I'm not sure if the line will reset or go back into a high impedance mode.  I don't have the hardware here to test.  But you might want to design a library with an Action Engine to open references to the lines you want, write and read, and then close the references as part of the TestStand cleanup.

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Message 3 of 4

Thank you very much for you reply. I wont be closing the refrerence. I will try this with the hardware and will check how it works 




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Message 4 of 4