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Vision Acquisition Software in evaluation mode not working

I have inherited an old LabView program, running under LabView 2011 from a collaborator. I would like to get the software to work under LabView 2015 and on a new computer (the old compuer is only borrowed).


Using the NI Licence manager I realized I needed three separate software packages: "Mathscript RT Module", "Vision Acquisition Software" and "Vision Development".


Before buying the licences I would like to verify that I can actually manage to get the code to run again...


The trial versions of "Mathscript RT Module" and "Vision Development" works, but the "Vision Acquisition Software" does not. In the licence manager it seems as if I have not used it yet (the other two are counting down the 7 days of trial period already). Starting the LabView vi I get several messages saying "NI Vision Acquisition Software Application Software support for LabVIEW 2015 is missing and is referenced by the following VIs:"


How can I "activate" the trial period of the "Vision Acquisition Software"? Starting LabView does not seem to work and I find no place to push a button to start my trial period...


Any help is highly appreciated.

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Message 1 of 4

Do you have the Vision and Motion section on your functions pallette? Can you post a picture of your NI License Manager window with applicable information?


Vision and Motion Pallette.png

Message 2 of 4

Hi martinhaag


Please make sure that you had the LabVIEW Support selected when installing the Vision Development Software.

Worst case just run the installer again with the LabVIEW Support selected.





Feel free to contact your local NI Branch.

They will be happy to help you get your trial period activated.


The Vision Acquisition Software is included in the Vision Development Module.

So you won't need to purchase it separately:



This may have happened if you didn't install your components in the correct order:

LabVIEW -> MathScript Module -> Vision Development Module

There is no need to install the Vision Acquisition Software separately, since it is already included in the Vision Development Module.


Best regards,


Corinne Doppmann
Application Engineer
National Instruments
Message 3 of 4

Thank you for the tip, re-installing and selecting all the components did the trick!

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Message 4 of 4