06-18-2024 02:21 AM
I have a software application for system in which the control hardware and test hardware are in two different rooms. The Test Hardware is monitored using a Web camera. We are trying to integrate this functionality as part of our LabVIEW code. I want to understand the Tools and Licenses that will be required. Since we are not performing any image processing and only capturing and storing videos, I believe the Vision Acqiuistion Toolkit is sufficient for development and there is no separate run-time license for VAS.
If am using only VAS Toolkit is VDM DDL Vision Development Module Debug & Deployment License still required or can we create an deploy an exe without it?
06-18-2024 09:35 PM
My understanding (from a dozen or so years ago) was the following:
When you purchased the VDM, it included the VAS so that you could write code for doing vision stuff and then test the code on a camera of your choice.
If you then build an Application, you can give that application to a Customer. When it runs on the Customer's machine, it will look for the VAS (which it won't find), and will not work. So each Customer needs to purchase a Run-Time License (VAS) from NI (unless you purchase it, and "bundle" this into the cost of your product). [We ran into this one ...].
[I just re-read your post. It sounds like your license is for your "single use" only. I'd ask NI about this -- since it is for your own use, it might be allowable ...].
Bob Schor
06-18-2024 11:13 PM
NI has this page on the subject :
VAS is free to use but not the NI-IMAQdx option which is part of VAS.
But it is a little murky. I have a LabVIEW license and a VDM license. So I can have NI-IMAQdx licensed.
Looking in the License Manager, NI-IMAQdx is licensed ( the green sprayed area ), but the License SN is that of my LabVIEW license. Not the VDM license :