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WLS-9163 not connecting wirelessly on rotating machinery

Hello All,


I am using a wireless data acquisition system consisting of a WLS-9163 wireless data acquisition unit with a NI-9237 card inserted for gathering strain data from a machine. The WLS unit is powered with a battery power source via a remotely controlled switch to facilitate a low power state and conserve battery power. The wireless data acquisition system required is chained to a rotating 250mm diameter machine shaft which rotates at 840rpm, or 14Hz.


During wireless system testing I can remotely switch power to the WLS unit and connect to the unit with windows wireless network connection which shows excellent signal strength. I then run a vi to gather strain data from the machine, and then power the machinery to 840rpm and the WLS-9163 continues to transmit data.


But here is the problem: if I remotely switch power off to the WLS unit while the machinery is running as is desired to conserve power, which disconnects the windows wireless network connection, then remotely re-power the WLS to connect again, windows can not connect to the WLS. The only way to connect again is to the WLS is to wait until the machinery stops or slows to RPM.


Unfortunately, during machine testing, the machine can not be stopped or slowed from 840rpm during its normal operation, and due to the length of the machinery testing to be done, there will be a long period where the WLS unit will be powered down to conserve battery power until the WLS unit can be powered on and the testing can begin.


So, does anyone have any ideas why I am not able to re-connect?



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Total guess: Something to do with electromagentic noise which is related to your machinery. Too much noise to establish a connection, but low enough to maintain one that is already made?  Have a check that there is sufficient earth connections, shielding etc of electronics.

As I said - thats a total guess.


As an aside, it may be worth 'bumping' this later in the day - the forum gets more activity once the US starts to feel the effect of its morning caffeine. I've noticed that posts made at this time of day (1st half of the morning in Europe) can drop off the front page before a significant majority of forum members log-on.


Good luck!




EDIT: Note - Cross Post

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